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فلوق ولادة وفاء .. | Wafaa Official Labor & Delivery

14 Views • 07/08/22
503 Subscribers

للدعاية والإعلان ? business@hamdyandwafaa.com حمدي ووفاء | فلوق ولادة وفاء .. | Wafaa Official Labor & Delivery ولادة وفاء
لا تنسو الاشتراك بالقناة وتفعيل زر الجرس ليصلكم كل جديدنا:
انستجرام حمدى https://www.instagram.com/hamdyjaberofficial/
انستجرام وفاء https://www.instagram.com/wafasyedofficial/
التيك توك من هنا ? https://www.tiktok.com/@hamdy.jaber.official
NMC Royal Hospital, Sharjah is live on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube & Google Business.
We are positing daily on our channels to build our brand, engage with patients & staff and to promote departments, doctors & campaigns.
We request all our staff to support us by - like, follow, and share our content to enhance our social media presence.
Please find below our social media profile links below:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/NMCRoyalHospitalSharjah/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nmcroyalsharjah/?hl=en
Twitter - https://twitter.com/nmcroyalsharjah
Google Business - https://g.page/r/Ca1eX0M3O1wdEAI/review
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCXfN4pQEaCXMx91sW
Your support to place NMC Royal Hospital, Sharjah as the best hospital in online media will be highly appreciated.
للدعاية والاعلان :- ads.media.2020@gmail.com
#يوميات_حمدى_ووفاء #حمدي_ووفاء

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