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Unboxing and set up of Universal Audio Apollo Twin X to Mac Mini with the M1Silicon Chip

4 Views • 08/29/22
567 Subscribers

Brief unboxing and then on to the set up process of the Universal Audio Apollo Twin X to utilize the Mac Mini M1 Silicon Processor. (The M1 Chip is Apple's new proprietary processor chip that is proving to be extremely exciting for those of who process video and audio, especially with any Apple created software like Final Cut Pro X. Increased performance is easily noticeable!) Due to the nature of the M1 chip being new at the time of filming, not all manufacturers were up to speed with making necessary updates to accommodate a different chip other than Intel. This video provides a step by step process of getting you to the finish line of hooking up your new UA Apollo series interface so you can get on to the fun of recording! Rock on!

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