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El Joker - Manasek El Alam l الجوكر - مناسك الألم
El Joker - Manasek El Alam l الجوكر - مناسك الألم videosep 2 Views • 2 years ago


ماسك القلم ، ودى مناسك الألم
آسف حاسس إن أنا ، ندمان إنك شوهتها
بظهورك بس ، ظهرت ليه ؟
كنت إمشى بس ، صلحت ايه ؟
فكرك موناليزا تروح منى كـ جوكر فين ؟!

تروح مطرح ما راحت ، اللى عملته ده لمصلحة
الجزء اللى باقى على اللى باقى من جملة إتصلحت
ماتمنيتش شيئ يتهد ، أعتقد حبيت بجد
مهما بان فى شبه بينى وبينهم ، أنا مش شبه حد "شبح حد"

أوضح مشهد كان ، أكتر مشهد فاضح ساب
أذكى شخص رابح بان ، آخر شخص يلبس تاج
خدى المهلة كاملة ، فرغى الطاقة الكامنة
أهم حاجة لما تيجى تانى تكونى مآمنه

خايف يطلع ذكائك خانك ، وتكون مش رجعالك
تطلع كانت علامة ، ربك قاصد إنه يوريهالك
تفتكر عينى بتيجى فى عينها كل حياة علشان
لازم أفهم بس إن إحنا عشنا فى كذا مكان وزمان

يمينى جثة فيل ، ده مش المشهد الأخير
مع إنى ماشى مُبتسم وفى ضهرى الواشى على الصليب
يعنى إحنا مكملين ، وهما هيفهموا التشبيه
أصل أكيد هيبقوا جوكريانز زى ما بقينا مسلمين

ياترى كل جسمين كُنا فيهم إتألموا
فكرك مـ المرة الكام عن التكرار بيتكلموا
آه كان ممكن يبقى طفرة "لولا غباء الكاتب"
مش أعظم مئة رجل ، أعظم مئه رجل واحد

أيوه الورقة غضبت إنى لمستك أكتر منها
رغم إنى عايزك إنتى بس قوى أكبر عايزينها
معقولة إحنا اتقاطعنا كل مرة مرة واحدة
بعدين روحتى ناحية ، وأنا ومعجزتى طبعًا روحنا ناحية

لما القلب بيقف العقل بياخد كل الطاقات
فـ بيهديك تناسى آمن كمجرد عربون صداقة
برضه ماقتنعتش إنى مش هكون معاها
وإنى علشان أؤدى الغرض منى لازم أعيش بعاهة

طب هى عارفة أنا مين ؟ ولا هى للتذكير ؟
وقبل أول إحتياج لإنى أفتكر ، عشنا كتير ؟
كـ جوكر يرضى غرورى تكون دى كينونتها
كـ أحمد خايف لـ منساهاش ، تفضل خلفيتى صورتها

مكنتش أعرف إنك مش معاه وإنك رجعالى
فصنعت منها آلى شبه يحاكى حياتى معاكى
وهدفعها تمن ، كل جرة قلم ، لحظة ندم
رد أى سؤال الفترة الجاية سؤال مين اللى بدأ ؟

فى مواضيع بناقشها فى سطور انت متفهمهاش
بالمعنى اللى يبين إنى مسبتش حاجة ماقلتهاش
مش بجرى ومش هلحق لقب ، أنا النظام جابنى هنا
لو دى أول مرة ليك عـ الكوكب تبقى مش زينا

فى أسئلة كتير ماتجاوبتش غير سؤالك
لازم ما خلف الحياة مش الحياة اللى تشغل بالك
كان لازم يبقى ليها معنى ، يبقى ليها كمالة
كان زمان العصر الحجرى أذكى لولا عصر الآلة

Manasek El 2alam

Written by: El Joker
Music: Free Beat
Vocals: El Joker
Master and mix by: El Joker
© 2015 El Joker
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El Joker - El 3o2d l الجوكر - العُقد
El Joker - El 3o2d l الجوكر - العُقد videosep 6 Views • 2 years ago


أكيد كان ليها حلول
وأكيد مننا في طرف مسئول
كان سهل النهاية تبقى نقطة بداية
لو سعينا لحل وسط معقول

في طرف استُنزِف اهتمامه
وطرف مشافش إلا نفسه قدامه
طرف كان بيخسر ، والسكة مش بتقصر
يوميا بيدفع تمن إدمانه

كنتي كل حاجه عكسي وبتشدني
قبلت عشانك أتهد ، وشخص تاني يتبني
اتغيرت .. على أمل تتغير يوم لما تحبني
قال يعني الريح هتبقى نسمة لو الشجر ينحني

عشت معاكي فرحة .. معيشتش من آخرها
انتي كل ذكرى ببتسم لو افتكرها
في حاجات -وانا بحكي عنك- الوجع يقولي أنكرها
يسألني الحنين: وتحكي ايه؟ .. محيلتكش غيرها

الهجر .. مُر اللوم .. طول الليل .. صعوبة النوم
تُقل الحمل .. بُطء اليوم .. وسع الفجوة .. ضيق الكون
مكالمة صلح في انتظارها تقلت الثواني
كل إتصال جريت عليه ، وطلع من حد تاني

عاملة مش مضمونة .. مـ اللحظة الأولى
عشان أسعى إنك تفضلي موجودة
وأضحي .. من غير ما أسأل ده في مقابل ايه
انتي عايزة حد تكسريه .. مش تتسندي عليه

أكيد جبت آخري لسبب
مفيش إحساس مـ العدم
اخترت معيشش في ندم
مادام كده كده في ألم

ماهو مش معنى إني قبلت تفتري
مش منطق تبيعي وأشتري
نَفَسي بيطول لو أتغري
لكن جريني في طريق يتجري

رُب قَشةٍ ضاقَ لها الصدرُ اتساعا ً
فهوى كُل شىءٍ كحباتِ العُقدِ تباعا ً

من ساعتها بكابر ، وبكبت المشاعر
مضغوط –من غير ضغوط- عشان بعافر
عشان صلب أبان .. كإن الصعب هان
كإن لوح التلج –انا- مفيش جواه بركان

انتي فضلتي تزيدي الحمل لآخر نفس فيا
واللي أجبرتيني إني أرسم شرخ في الخلفية
سيبتيني وسط وادي الموت ماسك في كوم حجارة
ورافع عملتين الرشوة لقائد العبارة

لو حياتك وقفت .. كان الوضع اتغير
لكن سرعة شفاكي .. خليتني أبان صغير
مش قالوا نور اليوم بيدخل من شروخ الأمس
آدي الشروخ في كل سم .. فين الشمس ؟

أكيد جبت آخري لسبب
مفيش إحساس مـ العدم
اخترت معيشش في ندم
مادام كده كده في ألم

ماهو مش معنى إني قبلت تفتري
مش منطق تبيعي وأشتري
نَفَسي بيطول لو أتغري
لكن جريني في طريق يتجري

في الأول والآخر ده نصيبنا
ارتاحنا وتعبنا .. فرحنا وزعلنا
بعدنا ورجعنا .. اشتاقنا وزهقنا
كان نفسي تبوش مشاكلنا

مـ الأول قولتلك حياتي صعبة .. قولتي ميل
حكيتلك عـ الحمل اللي شايله .. قولتي معاك هشيل
كنت فاكر إني لقيت الضهر ، وإني لقيت شريك
ومصدقتش إنه طُعم وانا بتشد مـ المحيط

فجأة النفس يضيق ؛ فبنراجع نفسنا
يادوب غمضنا لحظة .. إزاي وصلنا هنا
يادوب عدينا غلطة .. معديناش كل ده
يادوب طاطينا مرة .. إزاي اتداسنا كده

فـ انا بلومك من غضب انا فيه
كنت شايف عندك أكتر عشاننا تعمليه
كنت شايف استهتارك باللي بيننا بيزيد
كنت شايف ورد بيدبل ورافضه تسقيه

أكيد جبت آخري لسبب
مفيش إحساس مـ العدم
اخترت معيشش في ندم
مادام كده كده في ألم

ماهو مش معنى إني قبلت تفتري
مش منطق تبيعي وأشتري
نَفَسي بيطول لو أتغري
لكن جريني في طريق يتجري

El 3o2d

Lyrics: El Joker
Vocals: El Joker
Music: Brien Todio
Master & mix: El Joker
Design: Mostafa Karim
© 2018 El Joker
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El Joker - Shokran l الجوكر - شكرا
El Joker - Shokran l الجوكر - شكرا videosep 9 Views • 2 years ago


كل مؤمن مُخلص عاش بيستمتع بإيمانه
و اللي إيمانه بحق ثوابه هو أبدية إستمتاعه
يكون مظبوطلك المسمار و تكون لأبد جحا
فرصه أسعد من أنبوبة أكسجين في زحل

كلامي عن الإيمان بشكل عام مش التوحيدي
خلينا متفقين انها لا في إيدك و لا في إيدي
رحمة لل(ع)المين ، كل شخص صالح دين
شكرا عالإرشاد و شكرا طبعا عالطريق

بضطر ألعب أفلام معاكوا فبختار المنسي
كفرعون بكتب عالحيطان بتشغلولي نانسي
هات من جملي معني بعيد أجيبلك أبعد، أنا متابعك
سابع حرف ع الحرف السابع، جملة 7

لو لسه فيه أساطير خلاص معادش فيه غلابه
طول ما انتوا موجودين مفيش داعي لتشبيه من الغابة
احترفوا صناعة الكدب لما استخسرتي تراجعيه
لبانه متتهضمش قبل بعد سبع سنين

Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men
Machine men with machine minds and machine hearts
You are not machines , you are not cattle
You are men , you have the love of humanity in your hearts

عزيزي الغربي أخيرا مصر أحرجت بلادك
الطفل هنا مفقدش جيشه و فقد كل حاجه
قضوا عالصحه و التعليم، لا شوفنا دولة و لا طولنا دين
شالوا عسكر، حطوا عسكر ، بينهم كوبري متأسلمين

بابا انا جبت مجموع كبير ، نفسي في آداب ... أطلع أديب
إكتب يا ابني آداب براحتك ... بعد هندسات أقاليم
افتكر إن البلد دي ليها أصحاب و ليها شعب
اللي فوق دايس اللي تحت و خايف علي النعل

كل شخص إتدعي أذي ، كل شخص سعي و بذل
جهد لحفظ قيم في منعزل عن مبتذل
أكيد براجع نفسي ساعات ، أنا مش سبب إن إحنا بعاد
لازم ختام السنة يكون مفاجأة بدون ميعاد

بعمل فيها ميت علشان كله ياخد راحته
بشكر كل شخص معايا و ضدي علي صراحته
جوهر الحقيقة طول الرحلة كان متآكل
شكرا علي الجرح ... و شكرا عالشفاء العاجل


Written by: El Joker
Music: Free Beat
Vocals: El Joker
Master and mix by: El Joker
© 2015 El Joker
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Elissa - Akid Maestro part 5 (Interview) / إليسا في برنامج أكيد مايسترو الجزء 5
Elissa - Akid Maestro part 5 (Interview) / إليسا في برنامج أكيد مايسترو الجزء 5 videosep 8 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - Akid Maestro part 5 / إليسا في برنامج أكيد مايسترو الجزء 5
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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - W Byestehi (Audio) / اليسا - و بيستحى
Elissa - W Byestehi (Audio) / اليسا - و بيستحى videosep 6 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - W Byestehi (Audio) / اليسا - و بيستحى
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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Maa Sabk Al Esrar (Audio) / اليسا - مع سبق الإصرار
Elissa - Maa Sabk Al Esrar (Audio) / اليسا - مع سبق الإصرار videosep 10 Views • 2 years ago

Music video by Elissa performing Maa Sabk Al Esrar ( Audio )
اليسا - مع سبق الإصرار

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Law Feye (Audio) / اليسا -  لو في
Elissa - Law Feye (Audio) / اليسا - لو في videosep 7 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - Law Feye (Audio) / اليسا - لو في

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Moutafaala (Audio) / إليسا - متفائلة
Elissa - Moutafaala (Audio) / إليسا - متفائلة videosep 10 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - Moutafaala (Audio) / إليسا - متفائلة

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Hikayti Maak (Audio) / اليسا - حكايتي معاك
Elissa - Hikayti Maak (Audio) / اليسا - حكايتي معاك videosep 1 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - Hikayti Maak (Audio) / اليسا - حكايتي معاك

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Masdoma (Audio) / اليسا -  مصدومة
Elissa - Masdoma (Audio) / اليسا - مصدومة videosep 4 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - Masdoma (Audio) / اليسا - مصدومة

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Aam Thour [Official Clip] (2019) / اليسا - عم ثور
Elissa - Aam Thour [Official Clip] (2019) / اليسا - عم ثور videosep 11 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - Aam Thour
اليسا - عم ثور

Lyrics By: Siham Al Chaachaa
Composed By: Mohamad Rahim
Arranged By: Neiman
Music Production By: Hadii Sharara
Recording and Mixing By: Elie Barbar

Lyrics | كلمات

عم ثور تا قلك انا يا هالوطن امك
اختك انا ورفيقتك وبقلبي عم ضمك
واللي بساحات الغضب نزلو ما بدن غير
إلا بإيدن يمسحو عنك وجع همك

ومنثور تانقلك خلص عن جد بكفي
جايين تحساب الظلم بقلوبنا نصفي
بدنا وطنا يكون ع قياس كل الناس
وولادنا بقلب الوطن مشوارها تكفي

نحنا اللي ثورتنا غضب ثورة شعب جبار
ثورة بوج اللي اعتدا ع الحق والاحرار
وكتار بحجم الوطن عشنا على الاصرار
وتا ما وطنا ينحني صار الشعب ثوار

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Min Gheir Mounasba (Audio) / اليسا - من غير مناسبة
Elissa - Min Gheir Mounasba (Audio) / اليسا - من غير مناسبة videosep 3 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - Min Gheir Mounasba (Audio) / اليسا - من غير مناسبة

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Ahla Donia (Audio) / اليسا - أحلى دنيا
Elissa - Ahla Donia (Audio) / اليسا - أحلى دنيا videosep 7 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - Ahla Donia (Audio) / اليسا - أحلى دنيا

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Irham Albi (Audio) / اليسا - إرحم قلبي
Elissa - Irham Albi (Audio) / اليسا - إرحم قلبي videosep 9 Views • 2 years ago

Music video by Elissa performing Irham Albi ( Audio )
اليسا - إرحم قلبي

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Aisha Welsalam (Audio) / اليسا - عيشة والسلام
Elissa - Aisha Welsalam (Audio) / اليسا - عيشة والسلام videosep 4 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - Aisha Welsalam (Audio) / اليسا - عيشة والسلام

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Motamareda / إليسا - متمردة
Elissa - Motamareda / إليسا - متمردة videosep 6 Views • 2 years ago

كلمات : أحمد الجندي
ألحان : مدين
من ألبوم ... سهرنا يا ليل
From Album ... Saharna Ya Leil

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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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Elissa - Taa (Audio) / اليسا - تعا
Elissa - Taa (Audio) / اليسا - تعا videosep 4 Views • 2 years ago

Elissa - Taa (Audio) / اليسا - تعا
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Having started off her creative career in theater, Elissa won in "Studio El Fan" on LBCI in 1992. In 1998, she released her first album “Baddy Doub" that was a colossal success and launched Elissa into international stardom. Elissa released afterwards 10 successful albums from 2000 until 2020. Also various singles with renowned artists like Chris De Burgh, Ragheb Alameh and Cheb Mami. Elissa became one of the best selling female artists in the Middle East. She is the only female artist to have won the World Music Awards three times in 2005, 2006 and in 2010. She also won several Music Awards in the Middle East. Elissa today represents a lot of brands such as: Jewelry, watches, sunglasses, her own perfume brand (Elle D’elissa), mobile phones, Pepsi and many others. Also on Avid as she has become one of the judges on the international show X Factor.

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