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স্বয়ংক্রিয় চালু

المقالب | الدحيح

0 ভিউ • 11/25/23
শেয়ার করুন
247 সাবস্ক্রাইবার

ماذا لو كان للمقالب وظائف أخرى؟ حكاية مقالب مبتضحكش!
شاهدوا حلقات الدحيح أولاً على منصات ستارز بلاي @STARZPLAY-SVOD
وبإمكانكم مشاهدتها تلفزيونياً عبر قناة المشهد الفضائية @almashhadmedia
تتحدث الحلقة عن مظاهر الضحك (النكتة، الترفيه، المقالب) والتي لعبت منذ زمن الحضارات الأولى دور كبير في تفريغ مخاوف ورغبات أفراد المجتمع العدوانية بشكل آمن وتحقيق الشعور بالتفوق لكل مجتمع على المجتمعات الأخرى التي تصير موضوع النكت والدعابات، وكيف تطور هذا المفهوم في المجتمعات الحديثة ليصير للنكتة حكاية أخرى، قد لا تكون مضحكة، بل مخيفة.


The Joker's Laughing Condition Is Based on a Real Disorderhttps://www.oprahdaily.com/ent....ertainment/tv-movies

Why do humans laugh? | BBC Ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Nu5j_rODT9o

Why Do We Laugh https://www.scientificamerican.....com/article/why-do-

Practical jokes/ new york times https://www.nytimes.com/2008/0....4/01/health/01mind.h

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PRANKING https://embolden.world/the-psychology-of-pranking/

Take a look back at some of the best-known MIT ‘hacks’https://www.bostonglobe.com/me....tro/2019/04/30/take-

MIT Hacks Collection https://mitmuseum.mit.edu/coll....ections/collection/m

Hackers’ delight: A history of MIT pranks and hackshttps://www.boston.com/uncateg....orized/noprimarytagm

A very serious study of the practical joke https://www.deseret.com/234515....99/prank-ideas-and-h

How to Get Into MIT https://goingivy.com/colleges/....how-to-get-into-mit/

MIT 'Meltdown' Blog Resonates With Stressed-Out Students https://www.wbur.org/news/2012..../11/09/mit-meltdown-

Most Successful MIT Graduates https://www.topuniversities.co....m/blog/10-most-succe

Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious, 1905, by Sigmund Freud https://www.sigmundfreud.net/j....okes-and-their-relat

Superiority in Humor Theory https://academic.oup.com/jaac/....article/74/4/347/598

Feed them to the lions! How Ancient Rome demonstrated its brutality and power https://english.elpais.com/cul....ture/2022-09-18/feed

When Actors Mixed Politics and Comedy in Ancient Romehttps://www.smithsonianmag.com..../history/when-actors

Roman entertainment: all you need to know about the most popular roman games and shows in Ancient Rome https://mamalovesrome.com/roman-entertainment/

The Great Dictator: The film that dared to laugh at Hitler https://www.bbc.com/culture/ar....ticle/20210204-the-g

ANALYSIS OF THE “DIGITAL PRANK” PHENOMENON FROM THE PSYCHOLOGY PERSPECTIVE https://ejournal.uinsaid.ac.id..../index.php/al-balagh

A very serious study of the practical joke https://www.deseret.com/234515....99/prank-ideas-and-h

The great clown panic of 2016: ‘​a volatile mix of fear and contagion’ https://www.theguardian.com/cu....lture/2016/oct/31/th

Creepy-clown hysteria is forcing McDonald’s to hide its iconic mascot https://www.businessinsider.co....m/ronald-mcdonald-go

What Our Love of Sadistic Pranks Tells Us About Ourselves https://www.vice.com/en/articl....e/dpkd3y/why-are-we-

Don’t Be Gaslit by Social Media “Pranksters” https://www.psychologytoday.co....m/intl/blog/here-the

YouTube robbery 'prank' ends in fatal shooting https://www.bbc.com/news/techn....ology-55982131?fbcli

(*)On the relation of boredom and sadistic aggression, page 64 https://www.researchgate.net/p....ublication/344177987

The Politics of Humiliation: A Modern History https://www.goodreads.com/book..../show/52049774-the-p

Making Public Shame Bearable, and Entertaining: Ritualised Shaming in Reality Television https://journals.sagepub.com/d....oi/pdf/10.1177/17499

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